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Les paroles de la chanson
« Sympathy for the parents »
Marilyn Manson

Une femme > I want to know uh, why it is that all of you seem to have satanic signs all over you, and what is it that makes. Does this music cause you to do what you do?
[Twiggy joue avec un enregistreur de mini-cassettes]
Manson > Is that directed at us or at the parents?
Donahue > That’s funny Twiggy.
Manson et Phil Donahue en même temps (rires) > Does the music cause us to do what we do?
Manson > I think we cause the music to do what it does. I think, I think that moshing is a, a sign of what Christians would call, uh uh the apocalypse.
Pogo vers Twiggy > Stop nashing yer teeth Manson, uh uh the culture is just getting more and more destructive and I think this is just a sign of the times, this and dancing with the one-legged is from the Phil Donahue show they did.