Liste alphabétique des chansons de
« Simon and Garfunkel »
- › 50 ways to leave your lover
- › A heart in new york
- › A most pelicular man
- › A poem on the underground wall
- › America
- › April come she will
- › At the zoo
- › Baby driver
- › Blessed
- › Bookends theme
- › Bridge over troubled water
- › Bright eyes
- › Cecilia
- › El condor pasa
- › Graceland
- › I am a rock
- › I know what i know
- › In the sea
- › Mrs. robinson
- › Scarborough fair
- › Scarborough fair canticle
- › The 59th street bridge song
- › The boxer
- › The dangling conversation
- › The sound of silence
- › The sounds of silence
- › Think too much
- › Train in distance
- › Wednesday morning , 3 a.m.
- › You can tell the world