Liste alphabétique des chansons de
« Joan Baez »
- › À tous les enfants
- › All the weary mothers of the earth
- › Amazing grace
- › De colores
- › Diamonds and rust
- › Donna, donna
- › Farewell angelina
- › Forever young
- › Gracias a la vida
- › Here's to you
- › Imagine
- › In the quiet morning
- › Jari ya hamouda
- › Jesse
- › Les choses les plus simples
- › Never dreamed you'd leave in summer
- › Plaisir d'amour
- › The altar boy and the thief
- › The ballad of sacco and vanzetti [1]
- › The ballad of sacco and vanzetti [2]
- › The ballad of sacco and vanzetti [3]